Sustainability is fundamental to our way of doing business, and is integrated across every aspect of it. It defines how we conduct our business, develop & nurture our relationships, and carry out our activities.
We partner across all our business functions to develop solutions that can help address the pressing global issues in front of our industry, our communities, and our planet. Our teams are highly involved in areas relevant to common welfare such as health & safety, climate change, inequality, to name a few.
We firmly believe that all businesses should be part of the solution to sustainability issues and bear a responsibility. We are stronger, together. It isn’t feasible for one company alone to address these issues, so, we continuously strive to engage with external stakeholders too in this journey.
Our approach to achieving sustainable growth is based on our stakeholder materiality matrix and is fully aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and their targets.
Our material issues are those that are most important to our key stakeholders, and subsequently impact our business value drivers, competitive position and long-term value creation.
We assess our material issues annually to enhance & continually increase the maturity of our approach in managing the sustainability risks and opportunities posed to our business. This helps us in ensuring that we prioritise the issues that have the greatest impact on the economy, the society and the environment.
To support our annual materiality assessment, we conduct an ongoing dialogue with our stakeholders, and also, monitor the external trends, other industries and peer company’s materiality analysis and how these affect our ability to grow our business sustainably over time.
Our systematic materiality assessment process is guided principally by the Global Reporting Initiative Standards (GRI), RBA, the ESG indicators of FTSE4Good Bursa Malaysia, and Bursa Malaysia Sustainability Reporting Guide and the toolkits therein.
Engaging with businesses, organizations, and people that have a stake in our business, and share our vision & commitment to sustainable future is critical to our success. Holistic and consistent stakeholder engagement strengthens our relationships and enables better decision making and delivery on our commitments. We consider what is meaningful and valuable for our stakeholders when developing strategies, introducing new products or technologies, and setting goals to manage the social and environmental impacts of our operations. This requires a deep understanding of the needs and expectations of our stakeholders.