Human Rights

    Respect for human rights is fundamental to MPI’s way of operating & doing business.

    We respect our role in society and strive to operate in a way that creates a more sustainable business and better shared future that makes a difference in people’s lives, communities and our planet.

    Our commitment to human rights is embedded into our existing frameworks and processes, applicable to all employees, suppliers and third parties, such as HLMG (Hong Leong Manufacturing Group) Code of Conduct and Ethics. The Supplier Code of Conduct and Ethics includes specific labour and human rights expectations for suppliers and third parties.

    The responsibility for human rights issues lies with the CSR/RBA Management System Organisation which is led by our Group Managing Director.

    All of our employees receive briefing and training, which includes information on respecting human rights in the course of our business operations as stipulated within our Code of Ethics.

    MPI and its subsidiaries (Carsem (M) Sdn Bhd and Carsem Semiconductor (Suzhou) Co. Ltd.) are aligned with RBA Code of Conduct. RBA conducts VAP (Validated Audit Program) bi-annually that includes human rights impact assessment and mitigation.

    Our Focus

    We have identified three key areas, where human rights are critical to the way we operate and where we have identified the risks are highest for potential impact on human rights: labour standards, communities, and supply chain.

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    We continuously strive to demonstrate our commitment through our community initiatives, as well as our efforts to identify and manage human rights impacts. While respect for human rights begins in our company, it extends throughout the system and in the communities in which we operate. Learn more