General Announcements – Year 2008

    20 November 2008 MPI announced share buy back of 1,000 shares.
    Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 6.10
    Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 6.10
    Total consideration paid (RM) : 6,100.00
    Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units) : 1,000
    Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units) :  10,983,000
    18 November 2008 Tan Sri Asmat bin Kamaludin will be appointed as a Member of the Board Audit & Risk Management Committee of the Company with effect from 1 December 2008.
    18 November 2008 Mr Kwek Leng San will resign as a Member of the Board Audit & Risk Management Committee of the Company with effect from 1 December 2008.
    18 November 2008 MPI declared an interim dividend of 10.0 sen per share tax exempt
    Ex-date : 2 Dec 2008
    Entitlement Date : 4 December, 4.00 p.m.
    Payment Date : 17 December 2008
    21 October 2008 47th Annual General Meeting and Extraordinary General Meeting.
    20 October 2008 Malaysian Pacific Industries Berhad (“MPI” or “the Company”) writes to inform that the Company will place its wholly-owned subsidiary in the United States of America (“USA”), Advance Dyna, Inc (“Advance Dyna”) [formerly known as Dyna-Craft Industries, Inc], under Member’s Voluntary Winding-up.
    29 September 2008 MPI released Annual Report 2008 to shareholders.
    26 September 2008 An EGM of MPI will be held at the Theatrette, Level 1, Wisma Hong Leong, 18 Jalan Perak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, 21 October 2008 immediately upon the conclusion of the 47th AGM of MPI to be held at 10:00 a.m. on the same day.
    26 September 2008 The 47th AGM of MPI will be held at the Theatrette, Level 1, Wisma Hong Leong, 18 Jalan Perak, 50450 Kuala Lumpur on Tuesday, 21 October 2008 at 10:00 a.m.
    26 September 2008 MPI informed that the Company will be seeking the approval of its shareholders for the following proposals at a general meeting to be convened:
    1. Proposed shareholders’ mandate on recurrent related party transactions of a revenue or trading nature
    2. Proposed renewal of the authority for the purchase of own shares by the Company
    3. Proposed amendments to the Articles of Association of the Company.
    27 May 2008 MPI announced share buy back of 1,000 shares.
    Minimum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 8.550
    Maximum price paid for each share purchased (RM) : 8.550
    Total consideration paid (RM) : 8,550.00
    Number of shares purchased retained in treasury (units) : 1,000
    Cumulative net outstanding treasury shares as at to-date (units) :  10,982,000
    22 May 2008 MPI declared a second interim dividend of 24.0 sen per share tax exempt
    Ex-date : 4 June 2008
    Entitlement Date : 6 June 2008, 4 p.m.
    Payment Date : 18 June 2008
    23 April 2008 MPI is pleased to inform that shareholders, investors and members of the public can now access information on the Company through the Company’s new website at


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